Get out the Christmas lights, tinsel, and regulation Nutracker, Southern Living is reporting a sequel film to "Haul Out the Holly" is coming this Christmas titled "Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up," starring Lacey Chabert and Wes Brown!
Storyline details from Hallmark...
"As the holidays approach, Emily (Chabert) and Jared (Brown) are looking forward to celebrating the holidays together again, this time as a couple. Emily, now embracing Evergreen Lane’s uniquely festive spirit, is ready to work with Jared, Ned (Tobolowsky), Mary Louise (Travolta) and Pamela (Peterman) to make this year’s Christmas celebrations the best yet – even if being the HOA president’s girlfriend doesn’t stop those dreaded decorating citations. When a house on the block goes up for sale, it causes quite a stir with residents.
When the soon-to-be neighbors turn out to be holiday royalty, it looks like this year’s competition is about to heat up. As the welcoming committee prepares for the new arrivals, only one thing is certain – this Christmas, Evergreen Lane is going to sleigh!”
Be sure to look for an all-new sneak peek to the new movie this Saturday night during an encore airing of the original, "Haul Out the Holly" movie at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel.
Christmas Movies 2023
Haul Out the Holly
Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up
Lacey Chabert
Wes Brown